Falconcloud Terraform Provider

Automate cloud service resources management using the verified Falconcloud Terraform Provider.

Simplify cloud infrastructure management

Specify the proper state of your cloud project
and let Terraform do the rest.

Simple configuration

Terraform uses the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) management. Due to this approach, you only need to define the infrastructure parameters in a configuration file and call it in the command line.

Significant time savings

Terraform works in the frame of declarative transaction management, so you don’t have to monitor all possible transit states of the infrastructure. It’s enough to define the necessary recourse level.

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Smart tracking

One of the outstanding features of Terraform is that it can be used with the version control system. If the result is below your expectations, you can always restore one of the previous states.

Smooth operation

Be sure – multiple usages of the same configuration file will result in the same outcome. The human mistake factor is eliminated.

Integrate Falconcloud seamlessly
as your Terraform Provider

Activate Terraform on Falconcloud services by navigating to the Falconcloud Terraform Provider page, executing a few commands, and generating an API Token.

Kickstarting your Terraform Journey

Terraform setup guide

  1. Begin by downloading the Terraform archive from its official site;
  2. Extract the archive, placing the binary in a dedicated folder for your configurations;
  3. Add the binary's location to your PATH for easy access;
  4. Enable shell auto-completion for Terraform commands for a smoother experience.
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Linking Falconcloud provider

  1. Start by crafting a text document for your provider's configuration;
  2. Fetch the necessary code from the Terraform Registry and embed it into your document;
  3. Initialize your setup with the "terraform init" command to integrate Falconcloud.
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Building your cloud Infrastructure

  1. Generate a new file named "ssh_key.tf" and input your public SSH key details;
  2. Save your modifications to the "ssh_key.tf" file;
  3. Proceed to create the "main.tf" file, where you'll delineate your infrastructure's layout;
  4. Finalize the process by executing "terraform apply", which brings your cloud infrastructure to life.
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Learn more


What is Terraform?

Terraform revolutionizes cloud infrastructure management, employing a declarative approach with configuration files. Embracing the "Infrastructure as Code" paradigm, Terraform requires you to define your infrastructure's desired state in code, and it takes care of the implementation.

What is Terraform definition?

Terraform streamlines infrastructure management, allowing for efficient deployment and configuration of servers, networks, load balancers, and more, ensuring a seamless infrastructure setup process.

What is IaaS?

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) represents a dynamic model where computing resources are offered as a scalable service, allowing users to forgo the high costs and complexities associated with acquiring, managing, and maintaining physical servers and other data center infrastructure. This model is particularly cost-effective as it operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, ensuring you only pay for the resources you actively use.

How much does Terraform-Provider cost?

Terraform is available at no cost. Begin by downloading the necessary package from the Terraform website and follow the provided setup instructions to embark on your Terraform journey.

Terraform downloads is availibale here.