Video on Demand (VoD)

Access to video content anytime, anywhere. Integration with CDN and S3 for maximum performance.

VoD (Video on Demand)

Video content accessible anytime, without the need to follow live broadcast schedules. Our VoD service is integrated into our CDN. User-uploaded video files are distributed through a global network of servers, ensuring they are always as close to the end user as possible for fast and efficient delivery.

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Media and entertainment

Fast and high-quality video delivery to any device worldwide.

Education and e-learning

Convenient access to educational video and learning resources with adaptive quality.

Advertising and marketing

Supercharged video ads delivery with minimal latency.

Immediate delivery

Deliver content via CDN with minimal latency and high quality.

Robust storage

Use S3 for secure and scalable storage of your video archive.

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Adaptive bitrate

Adjust video quality to match internet speed, ensuring smooth playback.

Flexibility and scalability

Integrate VoD with your existing systems and scale for any traffic volume.

Available formats

Pick the best fit

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Dynamic Adaptive Streaming

DASH is an adaptive streaming protocol
supported by Android and most web browsers.

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HTTP Live Streaming

HLS is a streaming protocol that adjusts video
quality based on connection speed.

The reasons to select Falconcloud


We assist over 5,000 active clients in tackling complex challenges using our service.


We host our equipment in resilient data centers wordlwide.

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We are building a comprehensive cloud platform tailored to meet your specific needs.


We ensure continuous infrastructure availability with financial guarantees.

Global video content

Allow users to access video content from the nearest point on the map. There are currently 7 points, but this is not the limit.

Steps to get VoD

Sign up

Enter your email address and log in to the control panel

Connect S3 to CDN

Connect S3 buckets from providers to the content delivery network

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Create a link

Share your video content online using this link